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About me

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For over 30 years I have enjoyed a successful career as a senior manager and trainer within the retail sector. However throughout my life I have been an empath too. Therefore being sensitive to how people were feeling around me, sometimes created challenges in an aggressive business environment, but on the flip side, also created opportunities to help people at some level too. None the less, all I have ever wanted to do since I was a child was simply to help in some way to make people and animals feel better . 


In 2002 after two years training, I became a certified and registered healer with the world famous Healing trust. This certification allows me to work as a healer in the UK and in Europe, alongside hospitals, hospices and vets. 

To learn more about the healer trust please click this link


Aside from the extensive healer training I have completed over the last 24 years, 

I am also certificated in Mindfulness, EFT, Anxiety therapy, Zoopharmcognosy, Intuitive Life coaching and animal communication . I am also currently working through year 4 of 5 year  towards my counselling certificate. 

My belief is to use a blend of my skills and tools to fit each of my clients to bring the best possible outcome .


As my healing work has developed, my training background has taken me into healer tutoring. 

Healing is something that everyone can do at some level and there are just not enough healers out there. I therefore offer one to one training and group training too.  Contact me for more details.​


© 2015 by HorsePowerPR.

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